The ironic, meta brand strategy makes sense when earnest "purpose driven" brands largely struggled to be true to their mission when their purported mission was anything other than "sell more stuff". It feels like very few of the authentic, do good, human-voiced brands survived post-Covid or post-IPO. I can count my faves on one hand. So a legitimate distrust of earnest brands led to the rise of snarky ones? I'm not sure which is worse!

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I feel like the one who really nails the 'has legacy' x fun matrix for me is Loewe. You may enjoy the recent intvw with JW Anderson – https://www.vogue.com/article/jonathan-anderson-i-just-love-the-work-and-i-hate-bullshit

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I love this format!

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Another banger - agree on all fronts!!

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Loved this. Took screengrabs and tried to commit the rest to memory!

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